Every company looks for good candidates when they need to fill an open position. But companies that take an “always be hiring” approach get better results.
Here are six reasons your company should always be hiring:
- Position your company to reach its goals. By taking a proactive “always be hiring” approach, you position your company to reach its goals faster. Goals stop being a “someday” plan and become a “must-do when the right person appears” plan. You need to be ready to move – and when you’re prepared to hire at any time, you are.
- Always have the right team. Most companies stick with “reactive” hiring; a need appears, and they react by hiring someone. An “always be hiring” approach is “proactive” hiring: You hire someone in anticipation of a need or conflict before it becomes a problem. Crises are reduced, and your entire team is more productive as a result.
- Increase (and improve) your talent pool. New hires boost motivation among both new and existing staff. They also put pressure on your current staff to do their best and introduce new ideas to the mix. This increases and improves your available talent, which in turn improves your business.
- Seize opportunities and address crises faster than the competition. Business is a constant parade of unexpected opportunities and crises. If you rest on your laurels, you find yourself outside the race. An “always be hiring” approach allows you to seize opportunities more quickly. It also helps you avoid crises, such as a key employee quitting or a sudden illness that lays the entire office low at a critical time.
- Shorten your entire hiring process. Which candidates will you hire next? When you’re always in hiring mode, this question is easy to answer. Job profiles stay current, interview questions are relevant and your recruiter is only a phone call away to screen applicants and recommend the best candidates.
- Delegate with less stress. Many managers work hard to learn delegation skills. When you have the people you need, delegating gets easier. There’s always someone around to help, and you can trust they know how to do the job. Start by delegating some of the work of hiring to your staffing firm, so you can focus on growing your company.
If your strategic staffing plan includes elements to “always be hiring,” your company will be positioned to achieve the best outcomes.
At TERRA Staffing Group, our recruiters can ensure you’re “always hiring,” without letting that practice drain your time, resources or attention.
Find one our branches today to find out how we can help you improve your hiring outcomes.