Job Seeker Success Stories

TERRA Helped Me Find a Great Job with Better Work-Life Balance

TERRA Helped Me Find a Great Job with Better Work-Life Balance

Photo of Jessica Durbrow

For a lot of people, work-life balance isn’t just a perk. It’s a necessity. 

That’s the reason Jessica Durbrow remained in retail management for years, despite finding success in other roles—including as a recruiter at TERRA! The flexible schedule retail provided her allowed her more time with her family.  

But then the unthinkable happened. Her employer drastically increased her hours to 16-hour shifts, six days per week. That kind of ruthless schedule just wasn’t going to work for her. 

As far as she was concerned, she had two options. 

Option one: She could try to look for another job in the extremely limited spare time that she had. And hope that she’d find something soon. 

Option two: She could quit—without a job lined up.

Given her circumstances, she went with option two.

It was the most realistic move, and it was what she and her family needed. 

Besides, she wanted to take some time to focus on finding the right opportunity.

She explained, “Now that my kids are a little older, I was hoping for something that would define my career. I have a real passion for people and finding the right fit for them.”

Recruiting is what she ultimately wanted to get back to. 

What she didn’t know, is that her timing couldn’t have been better. Because Lisa Bowman, Recruiter out of TERRA’s Everett branch at the time, was conducting a search for a direct-hire recruiting position for a local manufacturing company. 

Lisa found her resume online and immediately gave her a call. They hit it off instantly. And Jessica made a lasting impression on her

“Jessica was professional, incredibly friendly and had the perfect amount of high positive energy this client was needing for their next recruiter,” Lisa recalled. “As I was talking to her about the position, I could hear her values in her answers and thought, She’s perfect for this role.” 

Jessica went for an interview right away and the client loved her so much that they couldn’t wait to tell Lisa what a pleasure it was to meet her.  

Lisa wasn’t surprised at all when Jessica received a job offer. 

She said, “Jessica already had experience with recruiting, but it was her positive energy and well-thought out answers that sealed the deal.” 

Meanwhile, Jessica was elated to return to recruiting and is loving her job. 

It has everything I was hoping for, including work-life balance. Also, there’s clear direction within the whole company. It’s a really positive environment, and there’s upward momentum in every department.

We asked Jessica what advice she had for anyone looking for something that meets their needs. 

Here’s what she recommends: 

I’m very passionate about people, and I know that work-life balance is really important to me. So you have to be picky and diligent with your expectations. They’ll get you where you want to go.

Congratulations, Jessica! We’re so happy that you’ve found a great job that you find professionally fulfilling and allows you to spend time with your family!

Team Up With TERRA

If you’re looking for a job with work-life balance, why not partner with TERRA?

We work with many leading companies across a variety of industries and can connect you to great jobs and help you start a successful career that you’ll love! 

In the Seattle-Puget Sound, Portland, Phoenix, Denver and Texas-Metro areas? Don’t hesitate to contact us to learn what employment opportunities might be available to you.

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