When looking for a new job, it’s easy to move so fast that you begin to cut corners. That’s why forming good habits is crucial when starting your job search.
And we’ve got you covered.
We’ll show you good habits to adapt—and bad habits to avoid—to help you increase your chances of landing a new position.
The dos and don’ts of landing a new job:
Good Idea: Tailor your resume.
Recruiters, and even application scanners, search resumes by looking for specific keywords and phrases from the job description. If your resume keywords match the job description, the recruiter will be more likely to find you.
Bad Idea: Neglecting your resume.
The recruiter may question whether you’re the right fit for the job if you don’t put effort into your resume. Instead, format your resume, highlight your recent and relevant work experience and list your accomplishments.
Good Idea: Prepare for the interview.
Review the company website and go on LinkedIn to view current staff and leadership, as well as the content they share. Create a list of questions to learn more about what it’s like to work for this employer.
Bad Idea: Not preparing for the interview.
Your interviewer will notice if you fail to prepare. And you might not reach the next step in the hiring process. You’ve made it this far—don’t bring your efforts to a halt.
Good Idea: Arrive early.
Always plan extra time for travel for an in-person interview. Better yet, give your commute a test run the day before your interview.
For remote interviews, log into the meeting a few minutes early. And set plenty of reminders for yourself.
Bad Idea: Arriving late.
When you don’t plan ahead, you risk arriving late—and leaving a negative impression immediately. It could even cost you the opportunity since many interviews are conducted over the phone or via videoconference.
Good Idea: Dress well for your interview.
Put your best foot forward and dress to impress. Dressing up can help you get into the right mindset. When you dress up, you exude confidence. In fact, that confidence can project to your potential employer as well.
Bad Idea: Dressing poorly.
Showing up to your interview unkempt is a surefire way to leave a negative impression. Your work experience should stand out to your interviewer, not your messy appearance.
Good Idea: Be professional.
Elaborate on what you learned and what you are looking for in your next opportunity. Talk about the skills you can bring to the position as well as any professional accomplishments.
Bad Idea: Speaking negatively about your former employer.
Be clear and concise if asked why a previous position didn’t work out. A negative attitude is off-putting to hiring managers and can make you seem unprofessional.
Good Idea: Show appreciation.
Sending a thank-you email after your interview is incredibly easy. Or, send a handwritten letter. (The extra effort will not go unnoticed.) Following up reaffirms your interest in a position—and has the added benefit of keeping you top of mind!
Bad Idea: Not following up.
Because following up is such an easy task, it would be a missed opportunity not to put a “cherry on top” of your interview. Especially if you feel the interview went well. Think about it this way: inaction won’t increase your chances of getting hired.
Hopefully, this information will provide some insight into your own job-searching habits, and where you might have room for improvement.
But remember not to be too hard on yourself. Securing a new job can feel like a distant goal when you’re just getting started. That’s why it’s better, and easier, to form good habits early.
And if you’re looking for a deep-dive into best practices when it comes to job-searching, check out our blog posts:
- The Ultimate Guide to Writing a Stand-Out Resume
- 5 Tips to Make a Good First Impression at Your Next Interview
- Tips to Assess Company Culture—Before Accepting a Job Offer
How TERRA Can Be a Resource
Looking for a new job? Consider reaching out to TERRA!
TERRA Staffing is a leading staffing agency with many resources available for job seekers. We partner with companies large and small, across a variety of industries and we can help open the door to new career opportunities.
Getting started with us is simple. Just check out our current job openings. We have offices in the Seattle-Puget Sound, Portland, Phoenix, Denver and Dallas-Metro areas.
Don’t see what you’re looking for? Contact us! Our expert recruiters are waiting to speak with you.