Building Emotional Safety in the Workplace◢
Emotional safety is an individual’s perception of the consequences of taking interpersonal risks at work. What if some team members don’t feel comfortable speaking up? What if they’re afraid to share their concerns or resist asking challenging questions? What if they avoid suggesting innovative ideas because they’re worried about rejection? Do employees feel comfortable bringing their authentic self to work each day?
When our body and mind experience safety, our internal social engagement system enables us to collaborate, listen, empathize, and connect, as well as be creative, innovative, and bold in our thinking and ideas. This has positive benefits for our workplace relationships as well as our lives in general.
This program will cover:
- Why emotional safety is such an important topic for productive workplaces (yes even virtual ones)
- The four stages of psychological safety
- Ideas for creating and reinforcing an environment of trust
- How leaders and co-workers can nurture psychological safety