What Should You Be Looking for in a Leadership Development Strategy?

Jun 14, 2019
By Jim HesslerPath Forward Leadership


American businesses spend billions of dollars annually on Leadership Development Training and Programs. Unfortunately, much of this investment creates little or no return. There is no easy or convenient way to develop leaders for your organization – so having a comprehensive strategy is essential.

Jim Hessler, founder of Path Forward Leadership, will help you consider your options when it comes to leadership development – to help you understand what works and what doesn’t work, and where your best investments will likely come from.

You will come away from this strategic session with:

  • A more systemic view of leadership development, a view that will help you
  • A viewpoint for creating development strategies for your company,
  • Perspective and methods that will help you advocate for training investments that make sense.

Jim has come at this challenge from both sides in his 43-year career, first as a business leader and executive, and for the last 18 years as an educator and facilitator of leadership development programs.


Jim is an experienced business leader who boot-strapped his way to an executive position with a Fortune 500 company. Then he developed a passion for helping companies in crises turnaround and grow toward exponential success and profitability. These turnarounds were his laboratory in learning what leadership approaches and techniques worked best. Over time, and with additional study and research, these experiences came together to form Path Forward Leadership.

About the speaker

Jim Hessler

Path Forward Leadership
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