6 Steps to Creating a Top-Notch Training Program
Employee Development
6 Steps to Creating a Top-Notch Training Program

Many companies have abandoned on-the-job training due to its perceived high costs and low returns.  After all, why train people when you can hire staff with the requisite skills? But in reality, a well-designed training program can give your company results you’ll never get anywhere else. Here are several steps to help you create a training […]

5 Signs an Employee Should Be Promoted
Employee Development
5 Signs an Employee Should Be Promoted

Promoting from within makes good business sense. It’s a key component of building a culture where excellence is recognized and rewarded – something every employee cares about. It saves money and stress too. A study by a professor at Wharton says outside hires are paid around 18 percent more than internally promoted employees, perform consistently […]

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