The Ultimate Guide to Post-Interview Thank-You Notes
Career Tips
The Ultimate Guide to Post-Interview Thank-You Notes

Technology will continue to change the way hiring managers attract and screen prospective employees, but there are some things that stand the test of time, like the importance of a simple thank-you note after your interview. It’s not just a polite gesture. A thank-you note can be the difference between landing the job or continuing […]

Post Interview: Thank-You Email or Handwritten Thank-You Note?
Career Tips
Post Interview: Thank-You Email or Handwritten Thank-You Note?

Some people may argue that sending a thank-you note is an old-fashioned practice. We disagree. Here’s why sending a post interview thank-you is always a good idea: It keeps you top of mind with your interviewer. It provides you with another opportunity to reiterate your interest in the position. It adds a personal touch and […]

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