Tough Questions You Should Be Asking Your Employment Lawyer
Tough Questions You Should Be Asking Your Employment Lawyer

Join employment lawyer Aaron Goldstein for an HR HotSpot focused on the critical questions companies should ask their legal counsel. Learn how to assess if your objectives align with your lawyer’s approach and discover how you can save on attorney fees and reduce liability.

By Aaron Goldstein

The Future of Employment: How to Deal with a Changing Culture of Work
The Future of Employment: How to Deal with a Changing Culture of Work

Every generation is shaped by the events it experiences. Gen Y and Gen Z have experienced unprecedented technological and social change. From growing up with social media to snowplow parents to a global pandemic, these experiences have shaped employees’ expectations and values at work. These values are also finding their way into our legal system […]

By Aaron Goldstein

Cloudy, With a Chance of… Just About Anything! Why Employers Must Prepare for Uncertainty
Cloudy, With a Chance of… Just About Anything! Why Employers Must Prepare for Uncertainty

While the last two years have taught us all to prepare for the unexpected, employers should prepare for several specific trends.

This webinar will identify those trends and provide guidance regarding how employers should prepare:
– COVID-19 mandates will increasingly collide with a tight labor market. How should employers navigate these opposing forces?
– What should employers do to prepare for the moment when “fully vaccinated” means getting a booster shot or a new vaccine?
– What types of claims will employers see from employees, and how can they prepare?
– Are non-competes an option in response to the Great Resignation?

By Aaron Goldstein

Think Like a Lawyer: Improve Decision-Making and Reduce Risk in HR
Think Like a Lawyer: Improve Decision-Making and Reduce Risk in HR

Now more than ever, HR leaders find themselves navigating situations where there is no clear playbook and no clear “right answer.” HR professionals are constantly evaluating options, interpreting law and weighing risk. 

In this session, Michelle Bomberger, CEO and Managing Attorney at Equinox Business Law Group, will teach you to think like a lawyer and will provide you with a proven method and mindset for weighing alternatives, evaluating risk and moving forward more confidently in a complex environment. 

By Michelle Bomberger

Where Are My Employees?! Solving 5 Modern Attendance Dilemmas
Where Are My Employees?! Solving 5 Modern Attendance Dilemmas

Even before COVID-19 completely changed traditional work practices, reliable employee attendance was a challenge. Millennial and Gen Z employees want to work when they want and where they want. And new state and federal laws give employees more time off of work for medical, military, civic, and personal reasons.

In this high-energy, interactive session, Jodi Slavik tackles the trending employment issue of managing employee attendance in the midst of cultural and legal change.

By Jodi Slavik

Performance Management Lessons from a Crazy 2020
Performance Management Lessons from a Crazy 2020

Before 2020, performance management was already challenging for employers. Now, it often feels like employers just can’t win.

Our upcoming webinar will cover tips and strategies for handling performance management in an increasingly difficult environment for employers.

By Aaron Goldstein

Mental Health Accommodation: Buckle in for 2021
Mental Health Accommodation: Buckle in for 2021

Unlike physical injuries, mental illness can show up as subtle, erratic behavior that is easy to miss or dismiss until it becomes unhealthy or even dangerous.  These challenges are amplified at work, where employers have a duty to protect employees, but to also avoid discrimination. 

This presentation will jump feet-first into the grey area of mental health accommodation, using real case-studies to address the nuances of notice, interaction, and effective resolution. 

By Jodi Slavik

Legal Considerations for a Brave New WFH World
Legal Considerations for a Brave New WFH World

Necessity has made WFH arrangements more commonplace.

And those employers who already supported WFH are probably doing just fine. But the reality is that many employers likely rushed to create WFH arrangements and are now realizing that they may need better policies and practices in place if this is to become the new norm.

In this webinar, Aaron Goldstein, Partner at Dorsey & Whitney LLP, returns to do a deeper dive on flexible work arrangements. He will provide updated information on WFH and share his legal expertise, in order to support employers who are trying to navigate flex-work arrangements in this unique time.

By Aaron Goldstein

Bringing Workers Back: Legal Considerations for Returning On-Site
Bringing Workers Back: Legal Considerations for Returning On-Site

As you prepare to transition employees back to full-time work in the office, it’s important to formalize your policies.

Michelle Bomberger, founder, CEO and Managing Attorney at Equinox Business Law Group, will share the legal considerations of the transition, as well as how to still remain practical and sensitive to the anxiety and uncertainty your employees may feel in making this shift.

By Michelle Bomberger

#MeToo Round Two: New Details, New Lessons
#MeToo Round Two: New Details, New Lessons

Recently published details from the journalists that broke the #metoo stories in 2017 are exposing new upsetting details about these stories–particularly about how companies and their representatives abused the legal system to discredit victims and cover up crimes. These stories contain important lessons for companies and the HR Professionals that work for them.

In this session, Attorney Aaron Goldstein will discuss key lessons and implications for employment practices including: confronting blind spots, non-disclosure agreements and respectful investigations.

Learn how to go beyond mere compliance and discover how any HR leader can both serve the company’s interests and be a force for good in this very important arena by attending this webinar.

By Aaron Goldstein

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