Job Seeker Success Stories

TERRA Made Our Vision for the Future Come True

TERRA Made Our Vision for the Future Come True

Photo of Success Story couple, Kyle and Sam.

Sam and Kyle had a vision for their future, but finding the right job to bring that vision to life wasn’t easy. When they finally found the perfect fit, everything changed. 

We sat down with Sam and Kyle to hear their story. 

So, Sam and Kyle, tell us about how you both started your careers. 

Sam: Well, we enrolled in the same community college and actually graduated together in 2023. Kyle went on to become a welder, focusing on structural welding, fabrication technology, pipe welding, and pipe fitting. 

And I graduated with a degree in non-destructive testing. I did great! Honor roll and everything. 

That’s amazing! How did you both decide on your career paths? 

Sam: It’s been our goal for a long time to build our lives and careers together. We’ve actually been dating since 6th grade. Kyle always wanted to be a welder, and I wanted to be an inspector. 

What happened after you both graduated? 

Kyle: I started looking for jobs, and I found one at a metal flooring fabricator. It was good for a while, but we both really wanted to find jobs at the same place, to fit our lifestyle better, especially with our kids.  

I ended up connecting with Jamie, a recruiter in Beaverton, through Indeed. I was telling her about my experience, and I talked to her about Sam, too, who was working at a deli at the time. 

And honestly, the place Jamie found for us was perfect.  

Sam: Jamie really sold it. She talked to both of us about how the supervisors are there for you, how you can joke around with them, but they still get stuff done. They’re big on safety, and they’re very attentive to their employees. It’s a serious environment, but it’s also fun. They genuinely care, and that was important to us. 

She set up an interview for me first, but then they found a time for Kyle to come in, too.  

Kyle: Sam brought me along to her interview, and they ended up interviewing both of us that day because they said, ‘Why wait?’ And they had me take a welding test that day, which I was nervous about.  

Especially since at my last job, they didn’t even make me take one. But I hopped on a call with Jamie before the interview and she really helped me through it. She calmed me down and brought my confidence up. She’s awesome. 

Sam: Not even a week later, we both found out that we got the jobs. 

What made you say yes to the job? 

Sam: I’m a big question asker. At my old job, asking questions was a hassle, but here, they encourage it. There’s no such thing as a stupid question, and that’s how I learn. 

How’s it been for you both since starting? 

Kyle: It’s been really good! I like my supervisor a lot. They were starting a third shift, and I didn’t even want to move because I like working with my supervisor so much. It’s just been a lot less chaotic than my last job. Everything I learned in welding school, they actually do here. At my last job, it was different. But here, they care about the quality of their work and their employees. 

Sam: And I love that we can have conversations about our workday where I completely understand what Kyle’s talking about. It’s so cool to be able to really connect like that. 

Has your life changed since starting? 

Sam: Absolutely. Our bills are all caught up, and we were able to take all of our kids to the fair, get food, and just enjoy it. 

Kyle: Before, I’d come home super stressed, and that stress would rub off on Sam.  

Sam: Same. At my old job, I worked weekends and it just wore on me.  

Kyle: Now, we both have weekends off, and we’re able to spend more quality time with the kids.  

Do you have any advice for job seekers like yourselves? 

Sam: Definitely—Don’t be afraid to talk to your recruiter. Jamie really helped us both, and it made all the difference. 

Congratulations, Sam and Kyle! We’re thrilled to have helped you both find the perfect roles that fit your lifestyle and bring you closer together, both at work and at home. 

We wish you continued happiness and success. 

If you’re looking for a job that aligns with your goals, don’t hesitate to reach out to us! We partner with top companies across multiple industries and might just have the perfect opportunity for you. 

Give us a call to connect with a recruiter today or check out our job board  

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